الخميس، 21 مايو 2009

Choice is responsibility

u wanna choose the government ...while u r unable to fuck
mmm...that sounds not logic

the point is that our soceities in order to turn to a democtatic state &
responsible citizens ..it have to be inverted totally and absolutely from its base ... a ,b,c
they hate sex wich leads spontanouosly to refusing choice and independance and responsibility in general
when they love sex that will leads spontanuously to responsibility independance and democracy
ppl will be able to elect a responsible government ..not a bunch of terrorists ; like Hamas
and afterwards Cry ..and tells why they hate us ..why they kill us...why they discriminate us ..
if u choose to die ..then it is yr choice ,...and u should be responsible for ...:) that is it

our soceities in general they chose to hate sex ..
they choose to refuse themselves and their needs ....for the sake of some isllusions and hallucinations that lies in virtual ..not real life ...consequently
they chose to die for the sake of virtual ...logic series.........,
when they choose to love ..they will chose to live .

all that shit happening in iraq is not strange at all
iraqi ppl kill iraqi...sunna kill sheia and sheai kill sunna ..everybody kills everybody ..
not strange at all ..
they all kill for virtual life ....
they all doesnt care for their reality..poverty ...or life ..,
they chose to hate love ..and consequently that leads to hate life ...to suicide ,..

why ppl hate and resist freedom ...?? ..for they r so much afraid of the responsibility lies behind ....

Our turn and rervolution to a free soceities
is gonna happen as a matter of fact ...we may say that we are at this time at a comulative period ..ppl striving for freedom is gonna incrase by time
here we exist here and here there are many groups on facebook striving for freedom ...
even the political circumstances and trends lies in our side and favour.
nature rules support us ...and at some critical point the volcano is gonna fired ..and ppl is gonna set to be Free ...

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